
plan your visit
Whether you’ve been to church for most of your life or you’re thinking about going for the first time, we want to welcome you to Cornerstone. We are a non-denominational, Bible church with people from all ages and backgrounds. Around 375 of us meet every Sunday at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM to sing, pray, listen and grow closer to Jesus Christ.
what to expect
Coming to someplace brand new can be a bit overwhelming, so we want to let you know what to expect. Come as you are! We're a casual church where you'll see people in everything from jeans to dresses. When you arrive on campus, you'll find someone to greet you in the parking lot and help you find your way inside. You can grab a cup of coffee and find a seat. Our services last about an hour and include worship through song, prayer, and a Bible-based sermon. After the service, stick around for coffee and connect with our friendly community. We'd love to meet you!
During our 9:00 AM service, we have preschool classes located in the main building at Entrance B. At 10:30 AM, we expand our offerings to include classes for elementary-aged students (Kindergarten through 5th grade) at Entrance A, in addition to the preschool classes. All children must be checked in before being dropped off at class. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask our outdoor greeter or any one wearing a lanyard. See photos below to see the check in areas.